I’m a freelance designer, artist, music producer, DJ.
I’ve spent 17 years shipping solid, elegant digital products. I work across the whole UX/UI design spectrum and lead teams.
I’ve worked with music platforms, education charities, founded venture-funded startups, prototyped beer-brewing robots, created online communities and hustled for design agencies. cv.pdf
I enjoy working with complex systems and finding ways to make them feel simple. I also dig the aesthetic side of design; how we communicate with typography and imagery. Digital products should be accessible and inclusive, and wherever possible, fun!
I founded Pushkins Prefers in 2008. It’s an online community of musicians, artists and DJs. We create and release music and digital art, host a radio show, publish a zine, throw parties and curate DJ mixes. It’s a psychedelic pixel paradise, baby.
—we’re currently making a game 👾